Friday, September 8, 2017

I have lost 12 pounds!

Good Evening Everyone! This week has been really busy with school and all. I still tried my best to stay on track, and I think I did pretty good! I worked out everyday, really simple indoor exercise. I also discovered this awesome YouTube channel that does these simple at home workouts.

The channel is called Jenny Ford. ( I've been looking for some workout that involved a step bench (I don't know the technical term) and she was the first one I came across. First off love, love, love her energy. I tried an elliptical workout on YouTube not too long ago, and all he did was yell. That's not what motivates me, so watching her really made me want to finish. Man did I sweat! I did her Beginner Step Aerobics Fitness Cardio to start off with and by the end I was dead. I did already workout for about 40 minutes prior, but I could definitely feel the impact of the fast pace, and loved it! Since I have been doing 1-2 videos a day with her! If your looking for an easy workout at home check out her channel!

Stepped on the scale today and I'm down 12 pounds! I'm proud to see that my hard work is slowly paying off, again my goal isn't to loose 50 pounds in a month. I want to get and be healthy, how ever long it takes.

I've been working on some strength training to help with bowling throughout the week. Also about bowling, I had practice on Thursday. I was able to try out a few things, and working on timing and technique. Last Saturday we had all my balls re-drilled, and plan on picking them up tomorrow! I have been dealing with fit issues, and in the mean time have caused bad habits. I am an over analyzer, and like to know everything about my game and technique. That is a good and bad thing. First step is fixing the timing. I found that my backswing is slightly coming behind my back, not a good thing. I also found the reason why, my push off and drop aren't at the right time or always the same time. I tend to push out and hold the ball. Next is the release. Due to all my old balls being drilled wrong and not all the same, I have developed the bad habit of over rotating or topping the ball. Its frustrating at times to know exactly what you're doing wrong, but don't always know the tools and ways to fix it. I know with time everything will be okay, and I will be right where I want to.

Sorry if this was a bit confusing for those that don't know much about bowling, but it's such a big and important part of my life I want to include it in this blog! :) Thanks for reading today, and I really hope you'll follow along my new found journey of happiness, and maybe through time we can do it together.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Getting Healthy

Hello again! Today is the first day of school, whoo hoo! Haha, I am very exciting to be starting my Junior year, but I'm also going to miss not having any test to study for and the stress that school brings for everyone. Today however I don't want to discuss school matters, but my health journey thus far!

About a month ago I started trying to watch what I ate. No I haven't been counting my calories or going on any crazy diets. I have stopped eating so much processed food and takeout. Before starting I was so intimated by the idea of not getting to eat some of my favorite foods, but I have found in just a month how much food that is GOOD for you is also so yummy!

I have been treating this journey of happiness and weight loss as a life style change, and in the progress have been trying to learn more about healthy alternatives. With the help from my mom, we have come up with a few new food recipes and such that have been amazing! I'm actually not so regretful when I eat, since I know what I am putting in my body is doing good instead of bad.

Pop has always been a big craving for me, especially Mountain Dew. For awhile I would have about one to two cans almost everyday, I took a break for about a month, that was 2 weeks ago, and let me tell you I drank a Mountain Dew Spiked Lemonade and got the worst headache in so long. Now I can't tell you for sure if it was from the soda or sugar mixture, but I have not craved soda since.

Another struggle for me is skipping, yes skipping! I have never been a morning person nor am I a breakfast person, so this last month has been a struggle trying to eat in the morning. I have found a few foods and tricks to get me to eat, which I will share in another post! Making sure to eat 3 meals and snacks in-between is definitely a lifestyle change, and is not something that will happen in a day. So I'm taking it day by day and trying to push myself to make these changes.

Drinking water is so important, and I've known that for years. To be honest I have drank more water in the last month then I have in forever! I have seen what a difference water makes with my hunger, weight, and skin. Having combination acne prone skin I have seen a little difference, nothing too major.

I have been trying to exercise regularly, about an hour everyday, this is really just the start given I use to run two miles everyday, but that was four years ago. My goal is to run two miles everyday again, and more if I can get to that point. For now my workouts have consisted of at home/indoor exercises. Think about getting a new gym membership once its gets colder. I'm not a fan of running outside in the snow, haha.

So far I have lost about 10 pounds! I am a bit smaller then I was last year, and I'm happy to see progress. I do know that most is likely water weight, and I'm not completely focusing on an ideal weight. I can't lie and tell you that seeing some pounds gone from the scale don't bring a smile to my face.

I would really like to share on here what I have been eating to maybe help someone else who has been struggling with healthy options. I'm not a nutritionist, and really don't know what I'm talking about most of the time. This is just what is working with me, and my end goal is to help anyone out there that wants some inspiration and motivation!

Thanks for reading today, and I really hope you'll follow along my new found journey of happiness, and maybe through time we can do it together.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Welcome to my journey!

Hello there, I'm Whitney! Welcome to my first ever blog post!

I am a full time student, YouTuber, and competitive bowler. I guess you could add newbie blogger to the list! I'm also learning and trying to live a healthy happier lifestyle which is why I have decided to document on this blog my new journey.

For about 4 years now I have been running a YouTube channel, called MommyN MeAG, with my mom. It has been quite the roller-coaster, but an experience and lifestyle I couldn't live without. Getting to inspire and share my passion with young girls and boys all over the world is the greatest gift, and to do it with my mom makes it 100 times better. I've also gotten to work with American Girl, they are an 18 inch doll brand, and have gotten my photo publish in their catalog.

Around the same time I started making YouTube videos I also started attending an online school. I have always been a very advanced student, and found a better opportunity through changing to online school. I am so grateful now for my decision as I been given opportunities like earning college credits and even graduating early. I still have two years left and plan on attending a university.

When I'm not doing school or YouTube, I'm bowling! I have been bowling pretty much my whole life and come from a bowling family. I was about nine years old when I first dreamed of becoming a professional bowler. Since then I have worked hard, and learned as much as I possible could to make the dream come true. I have many years till it actually can, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it more.

When I started online school I guess I had this envision in my head that life wouldn't change. Well I was wrong, and in the meanwhile I stopped exercising regularly and the food I was eating was not healthy. I don't know how I let myself go down this sad road for so long, but in the last year I have been wanting to make a change.

I have to admit opening up to people is hard for me to do, writing this blog post is a huge step, but in the last year I have been craving and wanting a change in my life so bad. I'm tired of not loving how I look in the mirror, or how when I try clothes on I don't feel confident in them. I want to become strong so I can further my bowling and give myself that athletic edge. The main point is I just want to be healthy and happy. My goal isn't to fit into a size 5 jeans again, but to be confident and feel healthy on the outside and inside.

So this is as much of myself as I could get into one post. There is so much more I want to share, which is scary to think about, but I'm ready! I really hope you'll follow along my new found journey of happiness, and maybe through time we can do it together.