Friday, September 8, 2017

I have lost 12 pounds!

Good Evening Everyone! This week has been really busy with school and all. I still tried my best to stay on track, and I think I did pretty good! I worked out everyday, really simple indoor exercise. I also discovered this awesome YouTube channel that does these simple at home workouts.

The channel is called Jenny Ford. ( I've been looking for some workout that involved a step bench (I don't know the technical term) and she was the first one I came across. First off love, love, love her energy. I tried an elliptical workout on YouTube not too long ago, and all he did was yell. That's not what motivates me, so watching her really made me want to finish. Man did I sweat! I did her Beginner Step Aerobics Fitness Cardio to start off with and by the end I was dead. I did already workout for about 40 minutes prior, but I could definitely feel the impact of the fast pace, and loved it! Since I have been doing 1-2 videos a day with her! If your looking for an easy workout at home check out her channel!

Stepped on the scale today and I'm down 12 pounds! I'm proud to see that my hard work is slowly paying off, again my goal isn't to loose 50 pounds in a month. I want to get and be healthy, how ever long it takes.

I've been working on some strength training to help with bowling throughout the week. Also about bowling, I had practice on Thursday. I was able to try out a few things, and working on timing and technique. Last Saturday we had all my balls re-drilled, and plan on picking them up tomorrow! I have been dealing with fit issues, and in the mean time have caused bad habits. I am an over analyzer, and like to know everything about my game and technique. That is a good and bad thing. First step is fixing the timing. I found that my backswing is slightly coming behind my back, not a good thing. I also found the reason why, my push off and drop aren't at the right time or always the same time. I tend to push out and hold the ball. Next is the release. Due to all my old balls being drilled wrong and not all the same, I have developed the bad habit of over rotating or topping the ball. Its frustrating at times to know exactly what you're doing wrong, but don't always know the tools and ways to fix it. I know with time everything will be okay, and I will be right where I want to.

Sorry if this was a bit confusing for those that don't know much about bowling, but it's such a big and important part of my life I want to include it in this blog! :) Thanks for reading today, and I really hope you'll follow along my new found journey of happiness, and maybe through time we can do it together.


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